Duo Exhibition: GRAHAM DOUGHERTY — Recent Work, NATASA STOJANOVIC — In-between Spaces
Posted on: Tuesday, October 30th, 2012
Graham Dougherty | Dusk;study | Mixed media (acrylic/oil) | 40" x 32" | 2012
Graham Dougherty
Recent Work
Natasa Stojanovic | Turn on the Light | Installation, Plexiglas, LED light, lighting gels, dimensions are site-specific | 2011
Natasa Stojanovic
In-between Spaces
November 2 – December 1, 2012
Artist Reception, November 3, 4 – 6 pm
First Friday, November 2, 6 – 8:30
LGTripp Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of recent paintings by Graham Dougherty and installations by Natasa Stojanovic in their first solo shows at the gallery. The artists utilize subtle qualities of light and shadow and geometric form, but employ very different approaches and materials to create evocative works.
Filled with both geometric shapes and organic areas of color, the abstract paintings of Graham Dougherty reference architectural elements doused in light and shadow. Doughtery uses the contrast between light and dark to breathe life and meaning back into these ordinary, man-made structural elements. His compositions are a result of his study into the ever-changing progression of light through a space so that shadows and shapes created by light’s movement suggest formerly visited and/or inhabited rooms and areas. A careful balance and flow to the interaction of color and form in his painting permit the viewer to contemplate events and spaces past without challenging the viewer to confront the unknown. There is a natural beauty inherent in Dougherty’s choice of color and balance of form. A broad color palette comprises grayed translucent tones and the moods they invoke assist the viewer in contemplation of memories of bygone places and time.
Graham Dougherty studied at Tyler School of Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Since the 1960’s Dougerty’s work has been included in local and national exhibitions and he has also shown internationally in Italy. In 1975, Dougherty co-founded the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts in Wilmington where he still maintains a studio.
Natasa Stojanovic explores the potential of light and its effects on color by utilizing a wide range of materials to develop two and/or three-dimensional pictorial arenas. In Light Drawings, a strategically placed light source passes through color gels onto long, thin slivers of Plexiglas that reflect onto the wall behind it, producing a differently animated image of lines and shadows. Keep Moving consists of hundreds of pieces of folded color paper interspersed in terms of shapes and tones. Looked at straight on, the work has a mesmerizing array of vertical and horizontal shapes. But move to the left or right and a completely different work emerges. In Stojanovic’s pieces, light, shadow, color and shape, successfully mix and mingle, with the viewer’s angle and perception, fashioning a delectable visual and spatial experience for the viewer.
Natasa Stojanovic is currently pursuing her M.F.A. at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia. Originally from Serbia, Stojanovic has shown in Philadelphia as well as internationally in the Netherlands and Serbia. She recently completed a residency at Burren College of Art and Design in Burren, Ireland.