Summer Exhibition — RSVP2, July 15 – August 20, 2011
Posted on: Thursday, July 14th, 2011

July 15 – August 20, 2011
Artists Reception, Saturday, July 16, 4 – 6:30 pm
First Friday, August 5, 6 – 8:30 pm
LGTripp Gallery is pleased to present works by thirteen artists at this year’s summer invitational, RSVP2. Diversity remains the objective in this invitational, as it was in last year’s summer group exhibition. These artists explore abstraction as visual expressions of inner feelings, insights or perspectives rendered within subjective compositions.
RSVP2 features artists at various stages in their careers; the formally educated and the self taught, the recent art graduate and the mature artist, artists with limited to extensive exhibiting histories and experiences, and culturally diverse. Works represent a myriad of creative approaches, a wide range of styles, and varied uses of mediums. Artists are united in their passion, the aesthetic quality and maturity of their work, dedication to art making, and technical proficiency. Themes are not intentionally present, but may emerge as works share a common environment. RSVP 2 includes paintings, works on paper, photo-based digital prints, collage and sculpture. Artists are based in Philadelphia and the surrounding region.
Contributing Artists:
Madeline Adams
Judy Breslin
Linda Celestian
Linda Hess Conklin
James Erikson
Justin Froehlich
P. Timothy Gierschick II
Mike Hale
Saga Moor
Gerhardt and Ute Ostertag
Ryan Pellak
Jim Simmons
Anthony Vega