Co-Curating DAS:BAM — David and Angie Sacks, Benefit Art Market, October 5th
Posted on: Monday, October 1st, 2012I’m very pleased to be co-curating this exhibition with artist Jay Walker. Please come out for a lovely evening of art in support a great cause.
From the DAS:BAM website
We see the heart David and Angie Sacks have for artists. Therefore it is fitting to support this family in their battle with cancer through an event centered on the arts. This unique show will prosper artists and help to provide for the Sacks’ family medical costs and needs.
The vision is to present the better works of fine artists, and so this show is structured to compensate artists as they would from a gallery, with the added twist of a Sacks Family Medical Fund to receive the “house” proceeds.
Please come out to the show, enjoy the art, and help support the Sacks family in their fight against cancer.
Friday October 5th
1616 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA
View the DAS:BAM Facebook invite