What a way to kick start LGTripp Gallery!
Posted on: Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
The opening last Saturday afternoon far exceeded my expectations. Several hundred attended our opening reception, celebrated our presence back in Old City, our stunning new gallery and the stable of artists now represented by the gallery. A special thank you to all who came to share in this exciting moment! I was astonished by the outpouring of congratulations and best wishes from so many of you. It was wonderful to speak with those I haven’t seen since Siano days.  Your continued support is greatly appreciated!
After the reception, it was off to dinner to hang out, interact, enjoy good food and celebrate a memorable opening and the new gallery. It was a great time…definitely festive…the perfect ending to a long wait and the superb beginning to our new venture together.
Thanks again to all for your enthusiastic support. Hope to see you again!