Stephen Blackburn


I have been designing and creating abstract metal sculptures since high school, primarily using welded steel and found objects. My sculptures range from large outdoor pieces to decorative wall and smaller pieces. They have evolved over time from sculptures that were initially constructive, assembling assorted small pieces into a larger form. The sculptures I am currently creating are simple in design, relying on color, basic geometric shapes, and oftentimes whimsy. I believe shape and form are more important than fit and finish. My primary objective is to create sculptures that evoke delight, amusement or similar feelings – not serious contemplation. Many of my sculptures are created and built in my mind, often without ever putting pen to paper. They are personal – an extension of me and my life, often capturing the emotion of the moment.


Stephen Blackburn grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs, where he still lives today. He attended The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts for one year in 1969 before returning to work in his family’s business. After working for more than 25 years, in 1995, he realized his dream of returning to art school. Blackburn graduated from The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in May 2001, at which time he was awarded the Fellowship Trust Prize and became the first recipient of the Women’s Board Prize. Blackburn’s sculptures have been exhibited at LGTripp Gallery, Chester County Art Association, Immaculata University Art Show and Gallery Siano.

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